Notice: Undefined property: Dokan_Pro::$store_settings in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/dokan-pro/dokan-pro.php on line 128

Features of the Shopper Dashboard

Once you have registered an account as a Shopper,
you will be directed to your personal Shopper Dashboard.

Personalized Shopping Experience:

Tailor your shopping experience with everything all in one place. Favorite crafters, Shopper Account, Messages and more.

Favorite Crafters:
Save your favorite crafters to your dashboard for quick access to their latest products and updates.

My Favorites:
Create and manage your wish list for future purchases, special occasions, or to keep track of items you love.

Direct Messaging:
Communicate directly with crafters through the dashboard to ask questions, request customizations, or discuss order details.

Leave reviews and ratings for products you’ve purchased, helping other shoppers make informed decisions.

Secure Payment Options:
Manage your payment methods securely by ordering directly from the Seller. Payments are not processed through the website.

If your purchase needs to be shipped, this charge will be set by the Seller and sent directly to you. 

Custom Order Requests:
Contact the Seller directly to ask questions or request any customizations.

Account Settings:
Manage your account settings, including profile information, password updates, and privacy preferences