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Frequently Asked Questions




It is very simple. Register an account from the Homepage. Once this is done, you will be directed to your Shopper dashboard.

The Shopper Dashboard is your space to keep track of your Favorite Crafters, Products and Shopping needs. Also the option to message one of our Crafters.

Every Crafter who has a Storefront with us, has a few ways to connect with them. We offer an internal communication avenue or you can contact them through their own company email address listed in their Storefront.

All transactions are between you and the Seller. My Local Crafters does not process any payments through the website. My Local Crafters does not intervene with any issues between Buyer and Seller, including payments, shipping or returns.

Yes. When you decide to purchase from one of our Crafters, you will need to Register an account. 

This is an option that we will be adding at a later time.
We know it is an important one.

At this time we are based only U.S. However, that would be a decision made by the individual Seller. 

Please note that My Local Crafters strictly adheres to word-friendly guidelines. Our Crafters follow strict product guidelines, including no foul language, curse words, sexual images/language, or political abusive language. Please help us maintain our standards by keeping a lookout for any unapproved products and alerting us at [email protected]. Thank you for your cooperation.

The first step is to register an account. Then visit the Crafters Welcome page which contains the Crafter Application for the Storefront. Fill out the entire application, upload images and submit.

Once we receive your application, you will receive an answer within 48 hours as to whether it has been approved or not.

There are contact options on your page. It is your choice as to what options you want to use and how you want to be contacted.

The sale process is between you and the buyer. Purchases will be processed directly between you and the buyer. is not a platform for buyers to purchase through the website. This eliminates you paying shipping, listing and processing fees. wants you to keep your profits instead of spending them on fees.

You will receive the payment directly from the buyer in whatever form you use like such as Paypal, Zelle, Credit card etc. You will set the charges for the buyer including the product, payment fees and shipping costs if applicable. 

There is a flat monthly fee of $15/month. There are no additional fees: no listing fees, no credit card fees, no shipping fees and no processing fees. we want you to keep your profits and not spend them on additional fees.

We ask for this monthly fee to use for advertising the website and your Craft Shows.

Yes. There is no contract. We do ask that you stay with us at least 6 months to see successful results from our advertising and increased traffic to the website.

We will do everything to keep our membership costs as low as possible. As the company grows, expenses will grow as well. The most important increase would be advertising and marketing which only means more benefits for you and your business.

Yes, once we get established, we will be offering ‘The Shoppe” which allows unlimited product images, links to your website, social media, craft shows and more.

The first step is to register and create an account. Visit “About” on the menu to the drop down to ‘Advertising”. Fill out the Application and submit. Your application will be sent directly to us for review.

Notification will be sent by email as to whether you have been accepted or denied. This process should take no more than 48 hours.

When you receive the email that your application was accepted, there will be link for you to complete the information needed for your event. Once that is completed, your event will be active on the website.

Yes, a Google map is on your event page for directions. name

Yes, the more events that you advertise with us, the lower the cost for each event. Contact us with the details and we will give you a proposal in writing. 

We accept all forms of credit cards. You will receive an invoice by email.

As we continue to grow, we will be adding more features. We know this is important to our promoters – and you will be notified when new advertising options become available. 

Our advertising will include Social media, Crafter groups, Email marketing and more.