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In front of the Table - "The Display"

Grouping your products thoughtfully in your craft booth not only makes shopping more enjoyable but also helps customers navigate your offerings, so they can easily find what they need and feel inspired to make multiple purchases.

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By Product Type:

    • Group similar items together, like putting all jewelry in one spot, candles in another, and home decor in a different area. This will help customers easily locate what they need and create a more cohesive display.
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By Color Scheme:

    • Organize products by color to create an eye-catching display. This method attracts attention and makes it easier for customers to find items that match their personal style or decor preferences.
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By Price Range:

    • Organize products by price range to cater to different budgets. Have sections for under $20, $20-$50, and premium items. This can help guide customers toward products that fit their spending comfort level.
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Create Bundles or Sets:

    • Offer grouped product bundles or sets, such as a “self-care kit” with a candle, bath bomb, and lotion. Bundling related items can increase sales and provide added value for customers.
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Seasonal Display:

    • Let’s group products by the season or upcoming holidays, such as cozy fall decor, stylish winter accessories, or delightful Christmas gifts. This way, our customers can easily discover relevant products. If you’re mixing seasons in the same area, remember to add space or a divider for a seamless shopping experience.
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For Specific Customers:

    •  Organize products based on different customer preferences, like “fun gifts for kids,” “cute items for pet lovers,” or “cool accessories for men”? This approach can help customize your display for various customer groups.
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By Functionality:

    • Organize products by their function, like “kitchen essentials,” “home organization,” or “fashion accessories.” This practical grouping helps customers find items that serve specific purposes.
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Other Display Ideas

Check Out What’s New:

    • Create a special area in your booth for new arrivals, with a fun “Just In” or “New Products” sign. This way, customers can easily spot the latest items and may be inspired to try something new!

Looking for a certain vibe or feel?

    • Organize products by themes like “boho,” “earthy,” or “chic minimalist.” This way, shoppers can easily imagine how pieces work together and feel encouraged to grab matching items.

By Usage or Occasion:

    • Create groupings based on how products are used or the occasions they’re suited for, such as “gifts for her,” “wedding decor,” or “everyday essentials.” This helps customers find the perfect item for specific needs or events.

By Bestsellers or Featured Items:

    • Let’s showcase your most popular or new items by grouping them together in a prominent spot. Using signage can guide customers to these products, inviting them to explore the latest trends.