Find Local Crafters

Promoters Welcome

Are you ready for more Visitors?

Are you ready for Awesome Crafters?

You will find them and they will find you here at My Local Crafters

Pricing just right for your Event

We’re excited to let you know that My Local Crafters is dedicated to helping promote your business in the best way possible. We use a variety of marketing methods, including using social media, craft groups and email marketing to make your event reach a wider audience.

We offer an affordable price that fits your needs and even offer discounted rates when you host multiple events per year! Payments are completely stress-free with our easy-to-use payment options. We are more than eager to help you make your event a roaring success. Let’s work together and make magic happen!


Shoppers and Crafters alike will search
for your Craft Event through our link
Find Local Craft Shows – 

Group A

Up to 39 Exhibitors
$ 25
per show
  • Enter Group A in the Application

Group B

40 - 89 Exhibitors
$ 45
per show
  • Enter Group B in the Application

Group C

90 to 149 Exhibitors
$ 65
per show
  • Enter Group C in the Application

Group D

150+ Exhibitors
$ 85
per show
  • Enter Group D in the Application

Promoter Application

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