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Join by July 15, 2024 and Pay only $15 for 4 months. Apply in June and your next payment isn't due until Oct.1st
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Three Steps in the application process


The first step to creating a Storefront is to fill out a Crafter application. Please refer to the list of Requirements and Guidelines on the same page as the application for a quick reference of our rules. Review the Terms & Conditions for further information.


Once your application is submitted, we will review all your information, products and certificate. When your application is approved we will contact you and send an invoice for the first month payment. Please complete all sections of the application form and provide five photos of your products.

Your application will be subject to our approval process.
While we are reviewing your application you can continue setting up your Storefront
by clicking on “Crafter Dashboard” on the top menu.

If we deny your application, we will let you know why and you will have an opportunity to submit it a 2nd time.


The approval process takes about 24-48 hours.
You will be notified by email if your business has been approved or denied.
Upon an approved application you will receive an invoice for your first monthly payment.
Once we receive the payment then we will activate your Storefront so everyone can view and purchase your products.

The Crafter Storefront

Our visitors and valued buyers are provided
with a thorough introduction to your business,
including your top-quality products, convenient location,
and the opportunity to connect with new local Crafters.

The Storefront contents


Annual $150 get 2 months free

Coming Soon!

The Shoppe

Our valued visitors and customers receive a comprehensive 
introduction to you, your exceptional products, your location,
and the Craft Shows that you will be participating in.
Additionally, your page will feature a direct link
to the specific Craft Show
and you’ll have the chance to sell
your products to the local community.

The Shoppe contents


Annual $350 get 2 months free