Find Local Crafters

Frequently asked Questions by our Promoters

Promoter Questions

How do I sign-up to become an Exhibitor for My Local Crafters?
The first step is to register and create an account. Visit the Promoters welcome page under the Promoters tab. Fill out the Application and submit. Your application will be sent directly to us for review.

How long will it take for our application to be approved?
Notification will be sent by email as to whether you have been accepted or denied. This process should take no more than 48 hours.

What happens after my Promoter application is approved?
When you receive the email that your application was accepted, there will be link for you to complete the information needed for your event. Once that is completed, your event will be active on the website.

Will there be a Google map so crafters and visitors can find this event?
Yes, a Google map is on your event page for directions.

What is our Promoter URL? name

Is there a discount for advertising for multiple events?
Yes, the more events that you advertise with us, the lower the cost for each event. Contact us with the details and we give you a proposal in writing. 

How do I pay for my Promoter fee for my event?
We accept all forms of credit cards. You will receive an invoice by email.

Do you offer “Featured Events” or “Banner Advertising”?
As we continue to grow, we will be adding more features. We know this is important to our promoters – and you will be notified when new advertising options become available. 

How will My Local Crafters advertise to bring visitors to the website our events are seen?
Our advertising will include Social media, Crafter groups, Email marketing and more.