Find Local Crafters

Frequently asked Questions by our Shoppers

I’m sure you have questions.
Here are the most frequently ones asked. 

Shopper Questions

How do I purchase an item from a Crafter?
Hopefully you have found a local Crafter that sells items of interest to you. Contact that Crafter buy phone or email depending on their preference, make a payment with them and arrange a pick-up location or shipping arrangements.

How do I contact a Local Crafter?
Every Crafter who has a Storefront with us has an email address so you can contact them directly.

How do I purchase and/or return a product?
All transactions are between you and the Seller. My Local Crafters does not handle or interfere with any issues between Buyer and Seller.

Do I need an account to buy products from the Crafters?
Yes. When you decide to purchase from one of our Crafters, you will need to create a user account. 

How do I start a Favorites list?
This is an option that we will be adding at a later time.
We know it is an important one.

Do I have to live in the U.S. to purchase products?
At this time we are only U.S. based.
That would be a decision made by the individual Crafter. 

How do I report a Prohibited product? 
It is very important to us that My Local Crafters is a word friendly website. Our Crafters have strict guidelines that the Crafters must follow. One of the most important guidelines is that no content or products containing foul language, curse words, sexual images and languages or political abusive language will be approved. There are other websites where they can sell these types of products. As we grow, it will become harder to find unapproved products – so please be our second pair of eyes. If you should happen to see a product like this, please contact us at [email protected]. Thank you.

How do I purchase from a Crafter that is not in my area?
When you are visiting a Crafter Storefront, contact that seller and make arrangements with them directly as to shipping costs etc.

How do I know which Crafters will be participating in Craft Shows?
Crafters who have a “Storefront” do not have Craft Show listings so you would have to contact them directly. In the near future we will offer Crafters a “Shoppe” which will offer many more services such as promoting the Craft Shows they will attend..